

A catalyst of hope and change.

Our new branding begins with a simple and familiar idea. One that has guided and grounded Sozo from the beginning. One that elevates those who have dreamed of hope and change for their country, their community. One that inspires and encourages ownership.

The Logo

A big question surrounding a brand refresh is “why?” Why change a well known logo for something new? We began this process with the same question in our minds and on our hearts. Ultimately, we decided to refresh the Sozo brand because we want to inspire and encourage people to engage. We want to be a catalyst for hope and change. We believe this visual shift represents and new era for Sozo, a big step forward. This logo represents our organization’s past successes, present mindset, and future ambitions to strengthen communities through transformational development.


The Kite

The lower portions of the icon connote the mountainous regions in which we work.

The lower portions of the icon connote the mountainous regions in which we work.

The main structure of the icon blends the idea of a kite and an upward arrow to symbolize progress and growth.

The main structure of the icon blends the idea of a kite and an upward arrow to symbolize progress and growth.

The kite, a past-time and a symbol of freedom and ambition, is a common and familiar image in the regions in which we work.

The kite, a past-time and a symbol of freedom and ambition, is a common and familiar image in the regions in which we work.

The Colors

The colors we have chosen accomplish three objectives: 1. We wanted a color scheme that is a fresh, modern take on our previous branding. 2. We wanted this color scheme to help tell the story of Sozo by referencing the sand and soil of the region, grounding our visuals in earthiness. 3. We wanted to pay homage to the history and success of the past with an updated purple that is both comforting and strong.


Our Past

Our past influences our present and provides a launching point to our future. Sozo wouldn’t exist without the hard work, dedication, sacrifice and support of thousands of people over the years. We owe and incredible debt of gratitude to those in the west and overseas who have given so much to this cause. We believe this new look honors the spirit of Sozo’s past and its exciting future.
